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Title: Mechanisms of gastric lesion in patiens suffering from chronic kidney disease
Authors: Vivsiannyk, V.V.
Velyhorska, N.R.
Zub, L.O.
Kushnir, L.D.
Keywords: chronic kidney disease
chronic pyelonephritis
lipid peroxidatio (LPO)
Helicobacter pylori
gastric and duodenal erosive-ulcerous lesions
хроническое заболевание почек
хронический пиелонефрит
перекисное окисление липидов (ПОЛ)
Helicobacter Pylori
хронічне захворювання нирок
хронічний пієлонефрит
перекисне окиснення ліпідів (ПОЛ)
Helicobacter Pylori
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Буковинський медичний вісник
Abstract: This paper deals with the modern state of the problem concerning the mechanisms of gastropathy in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Modern points of views of research nephrologists and gastroenterologists of interrelations between Helicobacter pylori (Hp)-mediated gastric and duodenal lesions and a progression of CKD are stated. Various factors of damage of the mucus coat of the stomach and duodenum in patients with chronic renal disease are listed: Helicobacter pylori, an activation of lipid peroxidation and a decline of the activity of the processes of the antioxidant defence, a derangement of lipid metabolism, anemia, inbalance of the factors of aggression and defence of the mucous coat of the stomach, a disturbanse of cytokine balance. Factors having an important role in determining the structural functional condition of the kidneys and stomach as well as in the pathogenasis of the development of nephropathies, induced by the estrarenal factors (the syndrome of systemic response and an inflammatory process in the kidneys) have been singled out. It is evident from the bibliographical review presented that a close connection exists between the development of erosive-ulcerous lesions of the gastro-duodenal area and the progression of the chronic renal disease.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра внутрішньої медицини

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