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Title: Clinical case of sarcoma Kaposi in a patient with expressed immunosupression
Authors: Bogachyk, N.A.
Kuzik, F.V.
Goncharuk, L.M.
Piddubna, A.A.
Andrushchak, A.V.
Balanyuk, I.V.
Andrushchak, M.O.
Kryvetska, S.S.
Keywords: HIV-infection
opportunistic diseases
Kaposi's sarcoma
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: PharmacologyOnLine (міжнародний онлайн-журнал)
Abstract: Abstract. Our country remains the leading place in Europe in the scale of spreading of HIV. In the first ten months of 2020, according to the Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 13,207 new cases of HIV infection were registered in Ukraine (including 62 children less than 14 years old). A total of 346,454 new cases of HIV infection have been registered in Ukraine since 1987, and 50,691 people have died of AIDS in Ukraine. However, official statistics differ significantly from reality. Thus, according to the latest WHO estimates, the number of people living with HIV in Ukraine is much higher than official statistics and are about 360 thousand people aged 15 and older. The difference between the indicators shows that 28% of HIV-positive people in Ukraine do not know about their HIV-positive status. The world is trying to stop the HIV epidemic. At the regular session of the UN General Assembly, the participating countries agreed to do everything possible to prevent the spread of the disease by 2030, and people living with HIV not to be discriminated against.
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