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dc.contributor.authorBulyk, R.Ye.-
dc.contributor.authorVlasova, K.V.-
dc.identifier.citationМатеріали науково-практичної інтернет-конференції "Розвиток природничих наук як основа новітніх досягнень у медицині" (27 листопада 2019 р., м. Чернівці)uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherUDK 378.147.016:57:61-
dc.description.abstractSummary. A modem teacher has to take into account the educational and cognitive activity of students with different levels of development of their personalities. The curriculum in the discipline "Medical biology" is very rich, and to fulfill all the tasks, that have to be done, the teacher and students have to intensify the educational process, using all possible modern methodological and teaching materials. The workbook is one of the important learning tools that has recently gained a general recognition among teachers and students. The workbook is to be used for practical classes in the discipline "Medical Biology", the purpose of which is to improve the knowledge acquisition of the first-year students, the development of logical thinking, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions and substantiate them, and increase the motivation of students to study. To our mind the workbooks are the most convenient means of interaction between a student and a teacher, because: firstly, students have the opportunity to get prepared for classes, as well as to work on solving those tasks that remain outside the classroom; secondly, the workbooks allow not only radical changes in the structure and content of practical classes and homework, but also allows you to establish a new form of student reporting on the results of work. A workbook is a tool that helps teachers teach lessons by simplifying them and making learning more meaningful. This tool also help students get involved and acquire meaningful learning more quickly and allow them to make connections with the acquired knowledge through partner work, individual work, whole groups, and small groups activities.uk_UA
dc.subjectoptimization of independent work of studentsuk_UA
dc.titleWays to facilitate the study of the discipline "Medical Biology"uk_UA
Appears in Collections:Новітні освітні технології у професійній підготовці конкурентоспроможних медичних та фармацевтичних фахівців

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