Короткий опис(реферат):
The processes of lipid peroxidation in the tissues of rats' kidneys in case of 0.75% salt loading in conditions of mercury dichloride intoxication were studied in white nonlinear male rats.' It was found that salt loading on the background of sublimate
nephropathy leads to increase of thiobarbiturate-reaction products in different layers of kidneys in comparison with control. Increase of lipid peroxidation products caused disruption of pro-/antioxidant
balance. That's why we studied activity of catalase and glutathione-Stramferase
in rats' kidneys 72 hours after injection of mercury dichloride solution in the dose of 5 mg per 1 kg of animal's body weight, which is important for determination of mercury salts
influence on the renal antioxidant system. The decrease of catalase activity in the renal cortex, medulla and papilla in case of salt loading after influence of mercury dichloride was found. For instance, loading with 0.75% solution of NaCl leads to the twofold
increase of glutathione-S-transferase activity in comparison with control. Animals' intoxication with sublimate caused glutathione-S transferase activity increase by 43% in the renal cortex and twofold - in the renal medulla in comparison with control. These results indicate the inhibition of antioxidant protection enzymes in the rats' kidneys in case of mercury dichloride influence. Pathogenetic unity of biochemical processes in the studied areas of the kidney is confirmed by the conducted regression analysis that
proves interdependence of lipid peroxidation products with the system of antioxidant protection.