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  • Gasko, M.V.; Kovalchuk, P.Ye.; Biryuk, I.G.; Kukovska, I.L.; Gasko, D.M.; Гасько, Михайло Васильович; Ковальчук, Петро Євгенович; Бірюк, Ігор Григорович; Куковська, Ірина Любомирівна; Гасько, Д.М. (Клінічна та експериментальна патологія (науково-медичний журнал), 2022)
    The aim of the study – evaluation of the surgical treatment effectiveness of fractures in the proximal metaepiphysis of the humerus, the analysis and generalization of the surgery long-term results of the surgical ...
  • Voloshyna, L.O. (Галицький лікарський вісник, 2016)
    The objective of the research was to Study the features of impaired fibrinolytic and proteolytic activity of blood plasma in patients with osteoarthritis (OA), depending on the age levels of comorbidity. Conclusions. The ...
  • Dudko, О.G.; Дудко, Олексій Геннадійович (Медична освіта (науково-практичний журнал), 2018)
    The aim of the work – to analyze tutorial process and to improve the quality of education for English speaking students at "Traumatology and Orthopedics" course. Conclusions. Significant improvement of theoretical knowledge ...
  • Bogdan, N.S.; Tikhonov, O.I.; Богдан, Наталія Степанівна; Тихонов, О.І.; Богдан, Н.С.; Тихонов, А.И. (Вісник фармації, 2014)
    On the basis of experimental studies the authors have demonstrated that a topical issue of the pharmaceutical science today is development of the rational therapeutic dosage forms based on standardized biologically active ...
  • Godovanets, О.І.; Hrynkevych, L.G.; Khomyshyn, О.Т.; Годованець, Оксана Іванівна; Гринкевич, Людмила Георгіївна; Хомишин, О.Т. (Клінічна та експериментальна патологія (науково-медичний журнал), 2023)
    Objective – to determine the balance between pro- and antibacterial agents influencing upon the development of a carious process in children at an early age. Conclusions. All the children examined present soft dental ...
  • Hoshovska, А.V.; Hoshovskyi, V.М. (Deutscher Wissenschaftsherold - German Science Herald, 2017)
    Abstract. The efficacy of the suggested methods to prevent miscarriage is in reliable and considerable decrease of perinatal complications occurring during pregnancy of multipara women and in particular: gestation anemia ...
  • Shilan, K.V.; Bachynskyi, V.T.; Шилан, К.В.; Бачинський, Віктор Теодосович (Судово-медична експертиза (науково-практичний рецензований журнал), 2022)
    Summary. During the forensic medical examination of a corpse in cases of acute blood loss, the most important issue for forensic medical experts is the determination of its amount. However, calculating the exact amount of ...
  • Dudka, Ye.A.; Shchudrova, T.S.; Petriuk, A.Ye.; Zamorskii, I.I.; Дудка, Є.А.; Щудрова, Тетяна Сергіївна; Петрюк, Анатолій Євгенович; Заморський, Ігор Іванович; Дудка, Е.А.; Щудрова, Т.С.; Петрюк, А.Е.; Заморский, И.И. (Фізіологічний журнал (науково-теоретичний журнал), 2018)
    In experiments on laboratory nonlinear white mature rats, the effect of melatonin (5 mg/kg) on the morphofunctional state of kidneys under the conditions of cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury was studied. It was found ...
  • Sheremet, M.I.; Шеремет, Михайло Іванович; Шеремет, М.И. (Міжнародний ендокринологічний журнал, 2017)
    The purpose of this study was to research the activity of oxidant and antioxidant defense in the blood and in the thyroid tissue of patients with nodular goiter against the background of autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) and ...
  • Bilous, I.I.; Білоус, Ірина Іванівна; Билоус, И.И. (Міжнародний ендокринологічний журнал, 2018)
    The purpose of the work is to identify the parameters of stimulation electroneuromyography (ENMG) in patients with primary hypothyroidism against the background of autoimmune thyroiditis and postoperative hypothyroidism. ...
  • Byrchak, I.V.; Borsuk, O.A. (Deutscher Wissenschaltsherold German Science Herald, 2017)
    With the purpose to improve prenatal diagnostics in women with habitual miscarriage of pregnancy cytogenetic examination (karyotyping) has been carried out. The investigations conducted and results obtained stipulate the ...
  • Garvasiuk, O.V.; Namestiuk, S.V.; Гарвасюк, О.В.; Наместюк, С.В. (Клінічна та експериментальна патологія (науково-медичний журнал), 2022)
    The technology of visualization of educational information is a system that includes a set of educational knowledge; visual ways of their presentation; visual and technical means of information transmission; psychological ...
  • Romanchuk, L.I.; Koloskova, O.K.; Романчук, Леся Іванівна; Колоскова, Олена Костянтинівна (Клінічна та експериментальна патологія (науково-медичний журнал), 2023)
    The coronavirus SARS has been known since 2002. In 2019 the rapid spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2 caused a global pandemic. The article provides an analysis of information on the origin and structure of the virus, discusses ...
  • Filipenko, V.A.; Tankut, O.V.; Dudko, O.G.; Shayko-Shaykovskiy, O.G.; Філіпенко, В.А.; Танькут, О.В.; Дудко, Олексій Геннадійович; Шайко-Шайковський, О.Г. (Клінічна хірургія (науково-практичний журнал), 2019)
    Abstract. The paper analyses main factors that effect treatment results of total knee arthroplasties in cases of bone defects, such as a size and types of bone defects, their connection with previous surgeries, existing ...
  • Kmet, O.G.; Filipets, N.D.; Kmet, T.I.; Hrachova, T.I.; Vepriuk, Y.M.; Vlasova, K.V.; Кметь, Ольга Гнатівна; Філіпець, Наталія Дмитрівна; Кметь, Тарас Ігорович; Грачова, Тамара Іванівна; Вепрюк, Юрій Михайлович; Власова, Катерина Василівна (Проблеми ендокринної патології (науково-практичний журнал), 2019)
    Changes of the cognitive functions under carbacetam and enalapril effect in nonlinear laboratory albino male rats with neural degeneration under conditions of type 2 diabetes mellitus simulated by streptozotocin and high ...
  • Perebyinis, P.P.; Kuzniak, N.B.; Перебийніс, Павло Петрович; Кузняк, Наталія Богданівна (Клінічна та експериментальна патологія (науково-медичний журнал), 2023)
    Considerable changes have taken place in the health care system of Ukraine. These processes produce a great influence on higher medical education, and therefore, it is significantly transforming. Comprehensive mastering ...
  • Godovanets, O.I.; Romaniuk, D.G.; Hrynkevych, L.G.; Khomyshyn, O.T.; Годованець, Оксана Іванівна; Романюк, Дойніца Григорівна; Гринкевич, Людмила Георгіївна; Хомишин, О.Т. (Неонатологія, хірургія та перинатальна медицина (медичний науково-практичний журнал), 2024)
    The aim of the study. To describe modern approaches to the prevention of early childhood dental caries in children based on the analysis of foreign and domestic literature. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the ...
  • Yurtsenyuk, Olha Sydorivna; Karvatska, Nataliia Semenivna (Abstracts of IX International Scientific and Practical Conference (16-19 November 2021, Stockholm, Sweden), 2021)
  • Marynchyna, Iryna; Pecheriaha, Svitlana (Journal of Chemical Health Risks, 2021)
    Abstract: Pregnancy forms an integral part of lives of more than half of the female population. During this period, there is greater need to take care of woman's health and the health of her child, so the relevance of this ...
  • Hoshovska, А.V.; Hoshovskyi, V.М. (Deutscher Wissenschaftsherold - German Science Herald, 2017)
    Abstract. To apply the correlation method of sign with the purpose to prognosticate the development of placental dysfunction and certain complications of pregnancy in women with varicose veins. We have calculated coefficients ...

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