Цель предлагаемой статьи раскрыть историю развития методики и последствий народонаселения, а также составить хронологию разноаспектного изучения смертности населения. Новизна статьи заключается в том, что в хронологическом порядке обработаны литературные источники изучения смертности населения в разных странах мира и обществах. Методы исследования: использовать отечественные и зарубежные доступные библиографические материалы на всех этапах становление и развития аналитики по смертности и выживанию людей. Выводы. Развитие аналитических моделей оценки динамики смертности населения всегда соответствовало уровню развития медицинских знаний о здоровье населения, возможностей его сохранения и уровне технологий контроля выживания людей в обществе.
The purpose of this article is to reveal the history of the development of the methodology and consequences of the population, as well as to compile a chronology of a diverse study of mortality. The importance of the study is in the dynamics of public health, the characteristics of mortality as the main information of the most significant demographic problem, the corresponding methods for its determination in different countries. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that, in a chronological order, literary sources for studying mortality in different countries of the world and societies are processed. Research methods: use Ukrainian and foreign available bibliographic materials at all stages of the formation and development of analytics on mortality and human survival. Conclusions. The development of analytical models for assessing the dynamics of population mortality has always corresponded to the level of development of medical knowledge about the health of the population, the possibilities of its preservation, and the level of technologies for monitoring people's survival in society. It is the age of death, as a date and medical and demographic indicator, allows assessing the biological and social factors of life of biological beings. Human health is assessed through the appearance of this person and disappears with the termination of his life, so its definition is necessary, especially for the health care system at all stages of life and can be chosen as a unit of collective health in the form of mortality. The most universal and adequately reflecting the mortality rate of a population is the indicator of life expectancy at birth of the conditional generation.