Короткий опис(реферат):
В статье раскрываются особенности отображения Бога через призму мифологических представлений и украинских сказок. Актуальность научного исследования. На основе аналитического подхода раскрыто понимание Бога в древнеукраинской, античной и индийской мифологии и значение, которое он играет в жизни человека. В статье применены следующие научные методы: диалектический, аналитический и исторический. Новизна научного исследования заключается в том, что автор пытается выяснить тайну мироздания, ценностные ориентиры общечеловеческой морали и онтологическую суть моральных ценностей. Выводы. В исследовании установлено, что в украинских сказках Бог является определенным символом, через который человек может познать его, самого себя, познать в себе духовные божественные проявления, суть нравственных понятий "добра", "зла", "греха", "любви".
The article reveals the features of God's reflection through the prism of mythological ideas and Ukrainian fairy tales. The purpose of the paper is to describe the God's perception by human, which appears in childhood and which later can be transformed and acquire a different meaning and form, but do not disappear insofar as God gives man the inspiration to live and fight, to enjoy fife and victories, to improve his mind and thought, to profess ideals of love and goodness.
Relevance of scientific research is to reveal God's reflection in ancient Ukrainian, antique and Indian mythology on the basis of an analytical approach and the importance which he plays in human life. The novelty of scientific research is that the author tries to find out the mystery of the universe, the values of universal morality and the ontological essence of moral values.
The disharmony of human existence raises the needs of the man and nature unity, and therefore, in his being a person seeks to create a mental harmony, forming in the minds such a picture of the world in which it is possible to find answers to the sensational issues. A person needs to know himself through the knowledge of spiritual divine manifestations in himself Mythology and fairy tales, which described God and the most mysterious aspects of cognition played a significant role in human life.
Conclusions. In the article is found out that in Ukrainian fairy tales God appears as a certain symbol through which a person can know him, as well as himself, to know human spiritual divine manifestations, the moral concepts essence of "goodness", "evil", "sin", "love".