Інтелектуальні Фонди БДМУ

Юрій Стефаник – дослідник української літератури

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dc.contributor.author Мойсей, Антоній Аркадійович
dc.contributor.author Никифорук, Тетяна
dc.contributor.author Мойсей, А.
dc.contributor.author Никифорук, Т.
dc.contributor.author Moysey, A.
dc.contributor.author Nykyforuk, T.
dc.date.accessioned 2021-02-18T13:43:49Z
dc.date.available 2021-02-18T13:43:49Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.other UDK 82-2:821.161.2
dc.identifier.other DOI 10.24061/2411-6181.3.2018.63
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/16538
dc.description.abstract Цель исследования заключается в определении места научного наследия Ю. Стефаника в украинском литературоведении и выяснении значения его вклада в осмысление литературного процесса в Украине в XX веке, очертание литературно-критических работ Ю. Стефаника про В. Стефаника, Леся Мартовича и писателей украинской диаспоры, в частности – стиля, манеры изображения, новаторских тенденций. Методы исследования. Для написания научной статьи воспользуемся сравнительно-историческим, биографическим, описательным, эстетико-функциональным, сравнительно-типологическим методами анализа и синтеза, индукции и дедукции, методом сбора, отбора и обобщения информативных данных. Научная новизна. Впервые в украинском литературоведении собрано и комплексно рассмотрено основные ведомости, связанные с деятельностью Ю. Стефаника, определено его место в украинском литературном процессе XX века. Выводы. Нам удалось очертить сферу деятельности Юрия Стефаника, определить основные векторы деятельности критика, показать роль и значение творчества исследователя для развития украинского литературного процесса в частности, и во всемирном контексте в целом. The purpose of the study is to determine the place of the scientific work of Y. Stefanyk in Ukrainian literary criticism and to clarify the significance of his contribution to understanding the literary process in Ukraine in the twentieth century, outlining the literary criticisms of Y. Stefanyk about V. Stefanik, Lesya Martovich and the writers of the Ukrainian diaspora, in particular style, image manners, innovative trends. To realize the goal, we are expected to perform our tasks: to carry out the analysis of the literary heritage of Yurii Stefanyk in the context of the literary process of the twentieth century; to find out the role and place of Y. Stefanyk in the Ukrainian literary process of the twentieth century and abroad, to reveal the significance of the studies of the life and work of Les' Martovych, Vasyl Stefanyk and the writers of the Ukrainian diaspora in the writings of Yurii Stefanyk; generalize scientific research in the study of the life and work of Ukrainian writers; to qualify Y. Stefanyk as one of the founders of the scientific study of the way of life and the creative work of Vasyl Stefanyk and Les' Martovych. Research methods. We practiced comparative historical, biographical, descriptive, aesthetic and functional, typological and comparative methods, aimed to make a scientific research, and also the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, method of collection, selection and synthesis of information data, aimed to conduct a scientific research. The scientific novelty of the study is the consideration of an independent person in the field of Ukrainian literary criticism – Y. Stefanyk, who played a key role in the study of the creativity of Ukrainian writers. For the first time in Ukrainian literary the basic information related to the activities of J. Stefanyk is assembled and integrated, writer's place in Ukrainian literature of the twentieth century is defined. Conclusions. We succeeded in outlining Yurii Stefanyks sphere of activity. Identify the main vectors of the artist's work, show the role and significance of the work of the researcher of literature for the development of the Ukrainian literary process in particular and in the global context as a whole. The style of thinking of J. Stefanyk is generally controversial, partly even unbalanced, but behind it there was genuinely objective desire to understand the complex issues of literary history and evaluate them. Sometimes his style is compromise, justifying previous false judgments. The analysis makes it possible to assert that the critic sensitive characteristic to each artist signs his style, draws attention to the aesthetic value of works of an author. He is well aware of the colors of the language, especially the style of the writers, about whom he writes. Literary school has acquired with the father, and later in publications, which cooperated experience research and textual works, and especially literary talent led to his professional judgment, credibility assessments of certain aesthetic effects. uk_UA
dc.language.iso other uk_UA
dc.publisher Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини uk_UA
dc.subject литературовед uk_UA
dc.subject литературно-критические статьи uk_UA
dc.subject эссе uk_UA
dc.subject диаспора uk_UA
dc.subject Ю. Стефаник (Ю. Клиновой) uk_UA
dc.subject literary critic uk_UA
dc.subject literary-critical articles uk_UA
dc.subject essay uk_UA
dc.subject diaspora uk_UA
dc.subject Y. Stefanyk (Y. Klinovy) uk_UA
dc.title Юрій Стефаник – дослідник української літератури uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Юрий Стефаник – исследователь украинской литературы uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Yurii Stefanyk as a researcher of Ukrainian Literature uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA

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