Короткий опис(реферат):
В представленном вниманию читателя исследовании предложен анализ процесса становления и развития Черновицкого медицинского института в период 1944-1954 годов. Работа основана на целом корпусе нового архивного материала с глубоким анализом всех процессов жизнедеятельности учебного заведения. Статья оснащена таблицами с цифровыми данными, фотографиями, часть из которых впервые печатается, биографической информацией про отдельных сотрудниках института. Доказательная база проведенного исследования дает полное право утверждать, что Черновицкий медицинский институт в период 1944-1954 гг. стал ведущим лечебным и научным центром медицины в Черновицкой области.
The study presented to the reader’s attention suggests an analysis of the foundation and development of the Chernivtsi Medical Institute in the period of 1944-1954. The work is based on archival and museum materials from the funds of the State Archives of the Chernivtsi Region (SACR), the Scientific Archives of the Bukovinian State Medical University, the History and Medical Museum of the University, a number of works on the history of Bukovina (including the History of Medicine) and local studies of Ukrainian, Austrian, Romanian researchers of the second half of the 19th and 20th centuries, publications in the local press about the state of medicine and the achievement of the CDMI. Most of these materials are published for the first time. The process of establishment of the institution, complex economic, social, cultural, sanitary-hygienic, epidemiological postwar conditions of the period of the 1940s was subjected to thorough analysis. The main premises of the Institute, representing historical and architectural value, are described. The activity of workers of the CDMI during the investigation of the causes and elimination of the consequences of the foci of goiter endemy, skin and venereal diseases, the fight against tuberculosis, infectious diseases (epidemic and recurrent typhus, typhoid, paratyphoid), malaria, dysentery, diphtheria, scarlet fever, meningitis, measles, influenza. The technique of expedition works is clarified, scientific work is described for revealing the causes of diseases and their effective treatment, the most important publications of scientific research results. Among the inherent diseases of this territory, Bukovina hemorrhagic fever was found, methods of its treatment were developed. There presented an interesting analysis of new tools and methods of treatment of patients proposed by the Institute's staff. Among them, the method of research with radioisotopes (Labeled Atoms) at the Department of Biochemistry, therapeutic physical culture in the clinics of the CDMI, novocain blockade in the clinic of ear, nose, throat, tissue therapy in the obstetric-gynecological clinic. The researchers paid attention to the consultations and surgery made in the districts of the region and medical help given to the population of neighboring regions, the process of improving the skills of medical workers of the whole region. Quite interesting is the description of research by Professor BP. Aleksandrovsky in the history of medicine. The work is equipped with tables containing statistic data in various spheres of the institution activity, photographs that are first published in scientific work, objective biographical information about individual scientists. In the conclusions the authors insist that the evidence based on the presented research entitles to assert that the staff of the Chernivtsi State Medical Institute in the period 1944-1954 managed to turn the institution into a leading medical and scientific center of medicine in the Chernivtsi region.