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Effect of melatonin on the activity of marker enzymes in the neuronal plasmatic membranes under conditions of acute hypoxia and varying photoperiodic duration

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dc.contributor.author Zamorskii, I. I.
dc.date.accessioned 2018-05-21T06:49:06Z
dc.date.available 2018-05-21T06:49:06Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.other UDC 57.034+612.273.2:612.82:577.153:612.826.33.015.22
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/13757
dc.description.abstract The effect of a single-shot intraperitoneally administration of melatonin in a dose of 1 mg/kg on the activity of Na+, K+ATPase and 5'nucleotidase (5'N) in the forebrain of juvenile male white rats has been investigated under conditions of acute hypoxia. Such studies have been carried out against a background of a varying duration of the photoperiod during one week. It has been established that constant darkness prevents an inhibition of the activity of Na+, K+ ATPase caused by acute hypoxia inducing and promoting an activation of 5'N. The administration of melatonin likewise constant darkness against a background of acute hypoxia prevents a decrease of the activity of Na+, K+ATPase and increases the activity of 5'N. ru_RU
dc.language.iso en ru_RU
dc.publisher Клінічна та експериментальна патологія ru_RU
dc.subject Na+ ru_RU
dc.subject K+ATPase ru_RU
dc.subject 5'-nucleotidase ru_RU
dc.subject rats forebrain ru_RU
dc.subject melatonin ru_RU
dc.subject acute hypoxia ru_RU
dc.subject photoperiod ru_RU
dc.subject Na+ ru_RU
dc.subject K+АТФаза ru_RU
dc.subject 5'-нуклеотидаза ru_RU
dc.subject передній мозок щурів ru_RU
dc.subject мелатонін ru_RU
dc.subject гостра гіпоксія ru_RU
dc.subject фотоперіод ru_RU
dc.subject Na+ ru_RU
dc.subject K+АТФаза ru_RU
dc.subject 5'-нуклеотидаза ru_RU
dc.subject передний мозг крыс ru_RU
dc.subject мелатонин ru_RU
dc.subject острая гипоксия ru_RU
dc.subject фотопериод ru_RU
dc.title Effect of melatonin on the activity of marker enzymes in the neuronal plasmatic membranes under conditions of acute hypoxia and varying photoperiodic duration ru_RU
dc.type Article ru_RU

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