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Просмотр Статті. Кафедра судової медицини та медичного правознавства по автору "Gorsky, M.P."

Просмотр Статті. Кафедра судової медицини та медичного правознавства по автору "Gorsky, M.P."

Отсортировать по:Порядку:Результатам:

  • Ushenko, V.; Sdobnov, A.; Syvokorovskaya, A.; Dubolazov, А.; Vanchulyak, O.; Ushenko, A.; Ushenko, Y.; Gorsky, M.P.; Sidor, M.; Bykov, A.; Meglinski, I. (Photonics 2018, 5, 54., 2018)
    The decomposition of the Mueller matrix of blood films has been carried out using differential matrices with polarized and depolarized parts. The use of a coherent reference wave is applied and the algorithm of digital ...
  • Trifonyuk, L.; Sdobnov, A.; Baranowski, W.; Ushenko, V.; Olar, O.; Dubolazov, A.V.; Pidkamin, L.; Sidor, M.; Vanchuliak, O.; Motrich, A.; Gorsky, M.P.; Meglinski, I. (Lasers in Medical Science. – 2019, 2019)
    Since recently, a number of innovative polarization-based optical imaging modalities have been introduced and extensively used in various biomedical applications, with an ultimate aim to attain the practical tool for the ...
  • Ushenko, O.G.; Ushenko, Yu. O.; Pidkamin, L.Y.; Sidor, M.I.; Vanchuliak, O.; Motrich, A.V.; Gorsky, M.P.; Meglinskiy, I; Marchuk, Yu. F.; Kushnerik, L. («Laser polarimetry of biological tissues and fluids. Methods of spatial-frequency, singular and correlation analysis of biological layers object fields». LAMBERT Academic Publishing.– 2018. – С. 104-111, 2018)
    The structure of biological layers can be considered as structurally inhomogeneous one. Laser polarimetry was formed recently as a new separate approach within matrix optics. This research is aimed on generalization of ...
  • Ushenko, V.O.; Koval, G.D.; Ushenko, Yu.O.; Pidkamin, L.Y.; Sidor, M.I.; Vanchuliak, O.; Motrich, A.V.; Gorsky, M.P.; Meglinskiy, I. (Proc. SPIE 10396, Applications of Digital Image Processing XL, 103962M, 2017)
    The paper presents the results of Jones-matrix mapping of uterine wall histological sections with second-degree and third-degree endometriosis. The technique of experimental measurement of coordinate distributions of the ...

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