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Просмотр Статті. Кафедра судової медицини та медичного правознавства по автору "Antoniv, A.A."

Просмотр Статті. Кафедра судової медицини та медичного правознавства по автору "Antoniv, A.A."

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  • Ushenko, A.G.; Grytsyuk, M.; Ushenko, V.O.; Bodnar, G.B.; Vanchuliak, O.; Antoniv, A.A. («Laser polarimetry of biological tissues and fluids. 2D-3D polarization tomography of anisotropic structures of biological layers». LAMBERT Academic Publishing.– 2018. – С. 149-161 13, 2018)
    In the series of research works the possibility of polarimetry diagnostic of optically anisotropic layers of biological tissues is demonstrated. Along with this, the systemic information about the possibilities of polarimetry ...
  • Ushenko, V.O.; Vanchuliak, O.; Sakhnovskiy, M.Yu.; Dubolazov, O.V.; Grygoryshyn, P.M.; Soltys, I.V.; Olar, O.V.; Antoniv, A.A. («Laser polarimetry of biological tissues and fluids. Methods of spatial-frequency, singular and correlation analysis of biological layers object fields». LAMBERT Academic Publishing.– 2018. – С. 175-182, 2018)
    Methods of optical diagnostics of biological tissues (BT) include three directions - spectral, polarization and correlation-interference. Polarization-interference correlation metrology is generalized for biomedical ...

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