Короткий опис(реферат):
Current research presents the results of the investigation of diagnostic efficiency of laser polarization autofluorescence for the set of endogenous fluorophores of blood plasma polycrystalline films in two spectral regions (0.5–0.53 μm and 0.63–0.67 μm) under the excitation of laser radiation with a wavelength of 0.405 μm. A model of generalized optical anisotropy of protein networks of blood plasma polycrystalline films is proposed for the purpose of defining laser autofluorescence processes. Both phase (linear birefringence and optical activity) and amplitude (linear and circular dichroisms) anisotropies have been considered. Interconnections between the optimal condition of probing beam polarization state and the efficiency of induction laser autofluorescence have been found. Statistical analysis of coordinate distributions of laser polarization autofluorescence intensities is suggested by means of determination of the quantitative criteria (statistical moments of the 1st–4th orders). The efficiency of laser polarization autofluorescence of polycrystalline networks in the task of differentiation of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and chronic hepatitis of human liver has been analyzed.