Abstract: On the basis of the clinical and immunological indices research of
84 immunocompetent patients with herpesvirus infections (labial recurrent herpes
and/or stomatitis, the genital herpes and herpes zoster) it has been established that
the standard therapy with daily reception of etiotropic medicine Valacyclovir 1,0 g
2 times a day within 7-10 days does not provide the powerful clinical effect.
Additional appointment of 6 subcutaneous injections of "Alokin-alfa" in 1 mg
dose every other day allows to reduce statistically the duration of clinical
manifestations of the genital herpes and herpes zoster, to diminish the frequency of
recurrences and also to shorten the first recurrence duration after the specified
The combined treatment has essential impact on a number of immunological
indices: the quantity of TCD3 + - and TCD4 + lymphocytes reaches almost normal
rates, functional activity of mature T-lymphocytes and TCD16 + sells increases