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Назва: State of glomerular-tubular balance and tubular-tubular balance in the dynamics of fever development
Інші назви: Стан клубочково-канальцевого та канальцево-канальцевого балансу у динаміці розвитку гарячки
Автори: Rohovyy, Yuriy E.
Kopchuk, Tamara G.
Ключові слова: kidneys
glomerular-tubular balance
tubular-tubular balance
aseptic fever
клубочково-канальцевий баланс
канальцево-канальцевий баланс
асептична гарячка
Дата публікації: 2014
Видавництво: British Journal of Science, Education and Culture. – 2014. – №1 (5). – P. 394-401
Короткий огляд (реферат): In the experiment on 60 white non-linear adult male rats is demonstrated the finding of new negative correlation of the relative water reabsorbtion with the distal sodium transport and positive correlation of the relative water reabsorption with the glomerular filtration, absolute and proximal sodium reabsorption during the first stage of fever, that indicates the significant disturbances of glomerular-tubular and tubular-tubular balances. During the second stage of fever the loss of correlation with relative water reabsorption reflects the exertion of the compensatory mechanisms of the organism directed on the supply of realization by the fever its biological role. During the third stage of fever the changes in the glomerular-tubular and tubular-tubular balances of kidneys should be considered as the depletion of the compensatory reactions of the organism caused by loss of correlation between glomerular filtration, absolute, proximal sodium reabsorption with the distal transport of this cation and restoration of the corelation with relative reabsorption of water.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9378
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті. Кафедра фармакології

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