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Title: Украинцы в этнокультурных стереотипах молдавских летописцев, румынских историков и писателей: образ Ивана Подковы – казацкого предводителя и молдавского князя
Authors: Мойсей, Антоній Аркадійович
Мойсей, Аркадій Євгенійович
Keywords: Ukrainians
Ivan Pidkova
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Codrul Cosminului, XX, 2014, No. 1, p. 25 – 48
Abstract: Abstract: Ukrainians in ethnocultural stereotypes of medieval Moldavian chroniclers, modern and contemporary Romanian historians and writers: image of Ivan Pidkova as leader of Cossacks and Moldavian prince The life of a real historical figure - Ivan Pidkova, ataman (leader) of Cossacks and Prince of Moldavia (1577), serves as main instrument in the authors’ analysis on the formation of ethnic stereotypes about Ukrainians in Moldavian chronicles and among the Romanian historians and writers. The study is based on critical analysis of the sources: chronicles, archive documents, historical and artistic works.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра суспільних наук та українознавства

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