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Title: Порушення ерекції при хронічних запальних процесах чоловічої статевої системи
Authors: Зайцев, Валерій Іванович
Селех, Абу Абдулла
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Врачебная практика
Abstract: For revealing of frequency and possible causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) 322 males with chronic microbial inflammatory processes of sexual system were examined. Erection's disorders of various degree were found in 39,4 % patients. Statistical analysis didn't show dependence of ED appearance upon infections invader. At the same time ED is associated with increased activity of inflammatory process, disorders of prostate function and spreading of infection upon several organs of reproductive system (in 62,2 % patients with ED comparatively with 33,8 % without ED).
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