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Title: Effects of volume therapy on splanchnic perfusion and myocardial oxygenation after cardiac surgery
Authors: Heinze, H.
Heringlake, M.
Kraatz, E.-G.
Misfeld, M.
Schmucker, P.
Uhlig, T.
Klotz, K.-F.
Nechytaylo, Y.
Keywords: hypovolaemia
volume replacement therapy
splanchnic perfusion
myocardial oxygenation
gastric tonometry
заместительная терапия
брюшной кровоток
оксигенация миокарда
желудочная тонометрия
замісна терапія
черевний кровотік
оксигенація міокарда
шлункова тонометрія
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Буковинський медичний вісник
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to analyse the effects of postoperative fluid volume on splanchnic perfusion and myocardial oxygenation after cardiac surgery. 20 patients were studied in two stratified by the median of the postoperative volume replacement groups. In the low-volume group the stroke volume index and cardiac index increased continuously throughout the study. In the high-volume group an increase was only observed during the first 5 hours and myocardial oxygenation was significantly impaired and ventilation prolonged. This suggests that fluid loading without a beneficial effect on hemodynamic may not only be ineffective in improving splanchnic perfusion but may have detrimental effects on myocardial oxygenation and pulmonary function. Fluid therapy should be titrated according to individual physiological responses.
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