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Title: Influence of different qualitative composition of infusion solutions on cerebral hemodynamics in patients with acute ischemic stroke
Authors: Semenenko, Andrii I.
Khrebtii, Halyna I.
Malyk, Svetlana L.
Dmytriiev, Dmytro V.
Bodnar, Roksolana Ya.
Zheliba, Lesia M.
Lomakina, Yuliia V.
Alsalama, Mohammad Wathek O.
Keywords: acute ischemic stroke
infusion therapy
0.9% NaCl
HES 130
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Wiadomości Lekarskie / Medical Advances (часопис Польської медичної асоціації)
Abstract: The aim: Investigate the effect of 0.9% NaCl, HES 130, HAES-LX-5% and mannitol 15% on cerebral hemodynamics in patients with AIS. Conclusions: The analysis of the data of treatment the patients with AIS showed the best effect (p=0.004) of improvement of the cerebral circulation in the use of the polyfunctional infusion solution HAES-LX-5% unlike the 0.9% NaCl group and group of 0.9% NaCl+mannitol where was a decrease of the dynamics of cerebral blood flow, which could lead to hypoperfusion of the brain.
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