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Title: Peculiarities of clinical signs, course and treatment of musculoskeletal system lesions in post-COVID syndrome
Authors: Voloshyna, Larysa
Smiyan, Svitlana
Voloshyn, Oleksandr
Buzdugan, Inna
Bukach, Olga
Voloshynovych, Natalia
Doholich, Oleksandra
Keywords: post-COVID syndrome
musculoskeletal system lesions
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Reumatologia (науковий журнал)
Abstract: Introduction: Post-COVID syndrome (PCS) is a frequent phenomenon of patients who have suffered from an acute attack of COVID-19 infection, and it is characterized by a wide range of symptoms from different organs and systems including the musculoskeletal system (MSS). However, peculiarities of MSS lesions have not been sufficiently studied to date, in particular, in the aspect of the therapeutic process. We aimed to investigate peculiarities of MSS lesions in patients with PCS. Conclusions: Musculoskeletal system lesions in patients with PCS are not the main constituent of this syndrome. Difficulties in the treatment of arthropathy are due to the signs of gastroduodenopathy and arterial hypertension. Additional administration of L-arginine, L-carnitine and quercetin is reasonable.
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