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Title: Comparative analysis of patient complaints for medical care over the last 10 years
Authors: Biduchak, Anzhela
Hopko, Nataliya
Chornenka, Zhanetta
Alsalama, Mohammad Wathek O.
Tymkul, Diana
Keywords: complaints of the population
appeals of citizens
medical institutions
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Medical Science (рецензований міжнародний медичний журнал)
Abstract: Background: As is known, the health and life expectancy of the population depend on many factors: The environmental situation, the quality of air, drinking water, food, as well as the quality of the provision of medical services in health care institutions. Even if the work of a medical institution is perfectly organized, it is still possible to receive a complaint from a patient. Accepting it correctly and navigating the legislation on this issue is almost an art. Conclusion: Analysis of the population's complaints can and should become the basis for reforming the health care system.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра внутрішньої медицини, фізичної реабілітації та спортивної медицини

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