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Title: Combined treatment with beta-blockers and metformin of patients with ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome
Authors: Bobkovych, K.O.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Буковинський державний медичний університет
Abstract: In treating patients with a cardiology profile, particularly coronary heart disease with arterial hypertension and rhythm disorders, beta-blockers occupy a prominent place. According to the recommendations, the group of drugs requires long-term administration, which can lead to impaired glucose tolerance and lipid metabolism. At the same time, this category of patients has initial risk factors that form metabolic syndrome. Therefore, drug therapy for arterial hypertension requires the correction of basic drugs in patients with metabolic syndrome.
ISBN: 978-617-519-019-7
Appears in Collections:СЕКЦІЯ 6. Актуальні питання внутрішньої, сімейної, спортивної медицини та вищого медсестринства

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