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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 60
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Features of genealogical history in children with combined pathology of the upper gastrointestinal tract and food allergyLozyuk, I.Ya.
2021Quality of life of children with bronchial asthma in the presence of eosinophile inflammatory patternLobanova, T.O.
2021Fess in patients with epilepsy: does it help?Levytska, S.A.
2021Quality of life of school age children with cephalgiaKovtyuk, N.I.
2021Some aspects of cardiovascular system lesion in neonates with sepsisKretsu, N.M.
2021Clinical signs as indices of community-acquired pneumonia severity in childrenKorotun, O.P.
2021The influence of the health saving school program on sleep characteristics in childrenKhodzinska, Y.Y
2021The effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids in children with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorderKhlunovska, L.Yu.
2021Hyaluronic acid use in experimental investigation in different surgical situations on ratsKhaschuk, V.S.
2021Diagnostic significance of C-reactive blood protein for verification of acute non-streptococcal tonsyllopharyngitis in childrenHorbatiuk, І.В.
2021A case of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in a child with congenital brain malformationHaras, M.N.
2021Glycemia regulation and glycemic type in children suffering from bronchial asthmaBuryniuk-Glovyak, K.P.
2021The postgraduate trainnes’ pre and post assessment on shaken baby syndromeBogutska, N.K.
2021Flap-plastic on the nutrition branch for the treatment of pilonidal sinus in childrenBodnar, O.G.
2021Aspects of diagnosing congenital large intestine pathologyBodnar, G.B.
2021Diagnostic value of cluster analysis in predicting of airway remodeling in school-age children with bronchial asthmaBilyk, G.A.
2021Indices of the inflammatory process level in bronchi of children with varying severity of bronchitisBilous, T.M.
2021Features of obstructive syndrome in school-age children with acute bronchitisMabrouk, Ben Othmen
2021Burnout syndrome in Ukrainian neonatal intensive care unitBabintseva, A.G.
2021Optimization of the work of "Weight management school" in children's endocrinological hospitalAndriychuk, D.R.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 60