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Title: Integrated estimation of the demographic situation in ukraine – forecast for the future
Authors: Чорненька, Жанетта Анатоліївна
Доманчук, Тетяна Іллівна
Keywords: demographic situation
demographic crisis
integral evaluation of indicators
average expected life expectancy
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2019, tom LXXII, nr 3.
Abstract: Introduction: The demographic situation in the country is largely due to the state of the economy and reflects the medical and social conditions of the population, which in turn testify to the state of the economy, the health care system, education, culture, and other factors. The aim: Analysis and comparison of the demographic situation in Ukraine with the EU countries, forecast for the future. Materials and methods: The statistical materials of the Center for Medical Statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine 2012-2016 were processed. A medical-statistical analysis of the system’s performance indicators for the five components carried out; an assessment of the performance of the health system according to the WHO approach with certain modifications used. Review: Having analyzed the statistics of the last years in Ukraine, the birth rate in 2017 decreased as compared to 2016, in January-April 2017 there was a natural decrease in the population, while migration processes in Ukraine exceeded immigration beyond its borders. In connection with the antiterrorist operation in the east of the country and the beginning of active hostilities in the region, the population was significantly reduced to 43 million people. Life expectancy has also changed, and today the average life expectancy in Ukraine is 71 years (66 years are men, 75 are women). Conclusions: It is necessary to concentrate efforts on solving current problems - economic birth control, adequate social protection of families with children and the elderly, promoting a healthy lifestyle, ensuring the availability of quality medical care and education, which in turn will ensure an increase in the duration of a full active life.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра соціальної медицини та ООЗ

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