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Название: Content of Markers of Respiratory Tract Remodeling in Exhaled Breath Condensate in Children Suffering from Bronchial Asthma
Авторы: Koloskova, O.K
Bilous, T.M.
Bilyk, G.A.
Lobanova, T.O.
Dikal, M.V.
Bilous, V.V.
Ключевые слова: Bronchial asthma
exhaled breath
bronchial remodeling
Дата публикации: 2017
Издательство: J Med Sci
Серия/номер: №37(4).;
Краткий осмотр (реферат): This study investigated to detect the content of remodeling markers of the respiratory tract in the exhaled breath condensate (EBC) of children with bronchial asthma (BA). Materials and Methods: The study was in clinical groups of children with BA were formed on the indices in sputum supernatant: the Group I ‑ “a high risk group” of bronchial remodeling (37 patients with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) more than 80 ng/ml, and matrix metalloproteinase‑9 (MMP‑9) more than 5.2 ng/ml), the Group ІІ ‑ “a moderate risk” of bronchial remodeling (41 patients with VEGF more than 80 ng/ml, and MMP‑9 <5.2 ng/ml, or VEGF <80 ng/ml, and MMP‑9 more than 5.2 ng/ml), the Group ІІІ ‑ “a low risk” of bronchial remodeling (38 patients with VEGF did not achieve 80 ng/ml, and ММР‑9 <5.2 ng/ml). Results: The results obtained enable to believe that in EBC of children with a high risk of bronchial remodeling was higher azoalbumin olysis (1.8 ml/h comparison of Group II ‑ 1.5 ml/h, P = 0.038, and Group III ‑ 1.4 ml/h, P = 0.007), high catalase activity (81.26 comparison of other group ‑ 50.7, P = 0.06, and 47.07, P = 0.052  μmol/min/mg of protein). Furthermore, in the clinical Group I, the content of nitrogen monoxide metabolites (53.5 mcmol/L) comparison of Group II of children (48.7 mcmol/L, P = 0.28) and the Group III (41.7 mcmol/L, P = 0.085). Conclusions: In children with a “high risk” of respiratory tract remodeling more significant inflammatory process in the bronchi is found than in children with a “low risk.”
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/13041
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті. Кафедра педіатрії та дитячих інфекційних хвороб

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