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Title: Основные направления внедрения компетентностного подхода в высшее медицинское образование как средство модернизации ее содержания
Other Titles: The main directions of application of competence approach in higher medical education as a means of modernizing the content.
Authors: Чорненька, Жанетта Анатоліївна
Грицюк, Мар'яна Іванівна
Keywords: competence
professional competence
graduate medical education
competency-based approach
innovative technology
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Modern Science – Moderni věda. – Praha. – Česká republika, Nemoros. – 2017. - №1.
Description: The article deals with improving the professional and pedagogical skills of teachers and training of medical students for professional work, it turns out the essence of the concepts "competence", "competence" and "competence approach". Discusses that the use of innovative learning technologies is a necessary condition of effective work of students in conditions of educational institutions.
ISSN: 2336-498Х
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра соціальної медицини та ООЗ

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