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Title: Cellular reactivity and stress level adaptivity of patients with coronary heart disease
Authors: Djuiriak, V.S.
Yakovychuk, N.D.,
Keywords: coronary disease
cellular body reactivity
stress adaptation
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Cellular reactivity and stress level adaptivity of patients with coronary heart disease
Citation: БДМУ
Abstract: Abstract: In patients with coronary heart disease cellular body reactivity decreases in 6.9 times, which is confirmed by leukocyte intoxication index decrease by Ya.Ya. Kalf -Kalif by 43.18%, by B. A Reis – by 39.23%, hematological intoxication index by V. S. Vasiliev – by 8.39%. Adaptive processes in patients with coronary heart disease occur in the majority of patients (54,06%) in a calm and high activation zone, which is a positive prognostic sign of the disease in most patients with coronary heart disease.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра мікробіології та вірусології

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