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Title: Correlation analysis of hormone-immune interactions in patients with demodicosis
Authors: Чорненька, Жанетта Анатоліївна
Keywords: demodicosis
cellurar immunity
humoral immunity
correlation analysis
hormonal system
reliable relationship
Issue Date: May-2016
Publisher: Modern Science- Moderní věda. – Praha. – Česká republika, Nemoros. - Scientific journal – vědecký časopis. № 2 – 2016.
Abstract: The paper finds the specifies scientific data on the status and relationship of hormonal and immune systems in demodicosis as well as defines their role in the disease pathogenesis. We have proved reliable correlations between the level of circulating hormones in blood and the key indices of cellular and humoral immunity in demodicosis. We have also discovered of normal relationships and the emergence of new correlations between hormonal and immunological parameters.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра соціальної медицини та ООЗ

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