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Title: Monitoring of incorporation of magnetic ions into II–VI semiconductor nanocrystals by optical and magneto-optical spectroscopy
Authors: Savchuk, A.I.
Stolyarchuk, I.D.
Savchuk, T.A.
Smolinsky, M.M.
Shporta, O.A.
Shynkura, L.M.
Keywords: Diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) CdS:Mn Nanocrystals Growth monitoring Optical density Photoluminescence Faraday rotation
Issue Date: 11-Jul-2016
Series/Report no.: Thin Solid Films;2012,
Abstract: Colloidal CdS:Mn semiconductor nanocrystals are synthesized by co-precipitation method using different concentrations of the CdCl2, MnCl2, Na2S precursors and the capping agent. UV–vis absorption, photoluminescence and Faraday rotation spectra were combined for monitoring the formation of nanoparticles and incorporation of Mn magnetic ions into CdS nanoparticles. Through step by step observation of the bsorption edge structure in the absorption spectrum of colloidal suspension the CdS:Mn nanocrystal growth was monitored, whereas dopant incorporation was controlled through changes in photoluminescence and Faraday rotation spectra. Faraday rotation spectra in CdS:Mn nanocrystals demonstrate peculiarities, which are associated with s, p–d exchange interaction between magnetic ions and band carriers in these nanostructures.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра біологічної фізики та медичної інформатики

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