Browsing by Author Bukach, O.

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024A clinical case in the practice of a rheumatologist: systemic lupus erythomus with inflammation of organs and systemsBukach, O.; Ariichuk, D.; Babchenko, V.; Soha, N.; Stefurak, M.
2023Analysis of changes in proteolytic and fibrinolytic activity of blood plasma in patients with rheumatoid arthritis during treatment depending on the eNOS geneBukach, O.; Unhurian, I.; Mahdyl, O.; Kryvtsun, H.
2024Clinical and biochemical features of rheumatoid arthritis in combination with arterial hypertension, type 2 and abdominal diabetes obesityBukach, O.; Vikovan, N.; Domchuk, V.; Maslienkova, K.; Kaitanyuk, A.; Kaitanyuk, O.
2023Correlation-regression analysis of indicators of systemic inflammation taking into account the T-786C polymorphism of the eNOS gene in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with comorbidityBukach, O.; Tsola, V.; Pavliuk, V.; Plyska, Y.
2023Disease-modifying therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and changes in cytokine levels depending on genetic characteristicsBukach, O.; Zrybnieva, K.; Kuzemko, I.; Popovych, A.
2023Features of pharmacotherapy and its main side effects in rheumatoid arthritis (Literature review)Bukach, O.; Zhyho, O.; Strila, Z.; Strelchuk, O.
2024Introduction of T-786C endothelial NO-synthase for interruptions and development of rheumatoid arthritisBukach, O.; Ventoniuk, V.; Fratsiian, M.; Tanasesku, D.; Shkvarchuk, V.
2023Modern approaches to the treatment of arterial hypertension, abdominal obesity and type 2 diabetes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (literature review)Bukach, O.; Rayska, D.; Filipova, K.; Stetsko, V.; Savula, V.
2024New trends in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (literature review)Bukach, O.; Kovalyk, V.; Melnyk, D.; Bizhuk, M.; Artysiuk, M.
2023Personalized treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis depending on the T-786С eNOS gene promoter polymorphism and concomitant pathologyBukach, O.; Pronina, A.; Dariy, Y.; Yarovyk, D.; Vachil, P.
2024Prevention of emotional burnout of teachers of higher educational medical institutionsBukach, O.; Sydorchuk, D.; Pashkevych, V.; Kushnir, M.; Hibai, R.