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Title: Etiological structure of the urinary system infections, its dynamic, dependence on patients sex and relation with resident urine microflora among inhabitants of Chernivtsi region and town of Chernivtsi
Authors: Bezruk, V.V.
Blinder, O.O.
Bezruk, T.O.
Blinder, O.V.
Yurniuk, S.
Keywords: Infection of the urinary system
Urine microflora
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Canadian Scientific Journal.-V.2.-2014
Citation: БДМУ
Abstract: During 2009 - 2913 years 2828 urine samples of the patients (2432 – children’s and 396 - adults) of the medical network of the Chernivtsi region were investigated with bacteriology method with purpose of verification of the diagnosis «Infections of the urinary system»; 801 strains of bacteria and fungi were isolated as etiological agents. The main etiological role of the E. coli and enterobacteria family in general was demonstrated. It was revealed, that etiological structure of the infections of the urinary system and the content of the residential urine microflora depend on the patient’s sex. As causative agent of the infections of the urinary system, E. coli has been isolated more frequently of the urine samples of female patients. In contrary, Proteus spp. has been isolated more frequently of the urine samples of male patients. As a part of the urine resident microflora, E. coli strains were isolated of the female urine samples more frequently.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра мікробіології та вірусології

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