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dc.contributor.authorGutsul, Oksana-
dc.contributor.authorPfeifer, Rene-
dc.contributor.authorSzabo, Ondrej-
dc.contributor.authorSlobodyan, Vsevolod-
dc.coverage.temporal22 червня 2022 р.uk_UA
dc.identifier.otherUDC 621.3-
dc.description.abstractAbstract. This paper study aluminum disks with different radius and two fixed values of disk thickness: in the first case the thickness of the disk (h) is less than the thickness of the skin layer (hsk.l.), and in the second case, the thickness of the disk is greater than the thickness of the skin layer. In the presence of the skin effect in this frequency range from 3.2 MHz to 13 MHz, the radial distribution of eddy currents changes significantly, and it is more difficult to theoretically calculate. In the presence of the skin effect, the dependence of the applied attenuation (d) is almost independent of the area (Shole) of the round hole in the center of the disk, indicating the location of eddy current on the edge of the disk in a thin region of the skin layer thickness in a given frequency range.uk_UA
dc.publisherБуковинський державний медичний університетuk_UA
dc.subjectaluminum disksuk_UA
dc.subjectskin effectuk_UA
dc.subjectelectrodeless studyuk_UA
dc.titleComparison of Radial Distribution of Eddy Currents in Aluminum Disk in the Absence and Presence of the Skin Effectuk_UA
dc.citation.conferenceII науково-практична інтернет-конференція "Розвиток природничих наук як основа новітніх досягнень у медицині"uk_UA
dc.event.placeм. Чернівціuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Секція 1. Новітні досягнення у біомедицині як наслідок розвитку природничих наук

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