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Title: A combined use of angioprotective and enzymatic agents in a comprehensive treatment of allergodermatosis
Authors: Denysenko, О.І.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Буковинський державний медичний університет
Abstract: Improvement of therapeutic efficacy of patients suffering from allergodermatosis is a topical task of modern dermatology. Allergodermatosis is a widespread group of allergic skin diseases including allergic dermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis etc. According to clinical observations in recent years allergodermatosis has been marked to have a tendency to more severe clinical course with diffuse skin lesions, the signs of acute inflammation in the skin lesion foci (erythema, swelling, infiltration), which becomes a cause of decreased or lost ability to work and social activity for a long time. According to the results of the scientific research conducted, allergodermatosis possesses a multifactor pathogenesis. Changes of the immune and neuroendocrine regulation, metabolic disorders, as well as skin microcirculation disorders are of considerable value for its development and course. It should be considered in the process of indicating medicines of systemic and external therapy for patients.
Appears in Collections:СЕКЦІЯ 18. Актуальні питання шкірно-венеричних, інфекційних хвороб та туберкульозу

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