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Title: Methods and means of vector-parametric polarization microscopy of policrystalline films of rat blood in differential diagnosis sepsis severity
Authors: Solovei, M.M.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Буковинський державний медичний університет
Abstract: Development and experimental testing of a new digital technique for objective differential diagnosis of septic process severity by statistical analysis of vector-parametric polarization images of laboratory rat blood films. To achieve this goal, we used a set of methods of Stokes polarimetric microscopic examination, parametric, statistical and information analysis of septic changes in the polycrystalline structure of blood films of laboratory rats An experimental measurement of the coordinate distributions of the fourth parameter of the Stokes vector (crystallization parameter - CP) of digital microscopic images of blood films of laboratory rats was carried out at the location of a laser micropolarimeter, the optical scheme of which is given in scientific papers is presented in our work in fig. 1.
ISBN: 978-617-519-019-7
Appears in Collections:СЕКЦІЯ 9. Актуальні питання хірургії, урології та травматології

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