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Title: The peculiarities of the differential diagnoistcs of transient synovitis in children
Authors: Marchuk, O.F.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Буковинський державний медичний університет
Abstract: The significance of this research has been stipulated by the fact that transient synovitis is rather frequent in the form of a short-term non-specific inflammation of the synovial membrane of hip or knee joints in children (most often, in boys). The development of the process often results from a minor injury or a disease with a low subfebrile temperature, for example, bacterial diseases of the respiratory tract and oral cavity (tonsillitis, pharyngitis).
ISBN: 978-617-519-019-7
Appears in Collections:СЕКЦІЯ 9. Актуальні питання хірургії, урології та травматології

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