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dc.contributor.authorБойчук, Тарас Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorМойсей, Антоній Аркадійович-
dc.contributor.authorБойчук, Т.Н.-
dc.contributor.authorМойсей, А.А.-
dc.contributor.authorBoychuk, Taras-
dc.contributor.authorMoysey, Antoniy-
dc.identifier.otherUDK 616.97:614.4:614.23/.25:930.253(477.85)1946/1949-
dc.identifier.otherDOI 10.24061/2411-6181.2.2017.32-
dc.description.abstractВ статье на основе архивных материалов рассмотрена ситуация, которая существовала в сфере распространения заболеваний сифилисом и коростой на территории Черновицкой области Украины в послевоенный период как феномен, имеющий свои корни во времена габсбургской эпохи австрийского владычества, а в последствии – румынского правления. Проанализирован конкретный вклад, внесенный сотрудниками Черновицкого государственного медицинского института, в дело исследования причин и состояния распространения сифилиса и коросты в определенных районах области в 1946 г.; уровень теоретических разработок и конкретных методик для лечения сифилиса в последующих после экспедиции годы. Даны биографии и деловые характеристики наиболее отличившихся в деле борьбы с сифилисом на территории края в послевоенный период ученым. Monitoring carried out by authoritative international organizations in the health care sector shows a significant proliferation of the world's diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia. Annually in the world are registered about 60 million cases of syphilis, 300 million cases of scabies, skin disease affects 30 to 70% of humanity. In recent years in Ukraine has increased the incidence of syphilis among children and teenagers. Worryingly, those 15% increases in the number of cases are children with early latent syphilis. Among teenage girls secondary recurrent syphilis appears three times more often than boys, what generally is a negative prognostic criterion for the health of future generations of the country. Enough high incidence of syphilis and other infections what are transmitted sexually, requiring immediate development and approval of the State intersectoral programs to combat spread of these infections. It will contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the nation's gene pool. This situation requires the accumulation and use of experience of combating infectious diseases. It was developed by Ukrainian scientists and practitioners. In this regard, an absolute value has the experience of Chernivtsi State Medical Institute (CHSMI) stuff gained during the campaign to combat syphilis in 1946 in the Chernivtsi region. In that research period was developed the problem and were run special treatment methods of the various syphilis forms. The situation in this sphere in the Chernivtsi region is discussed on the basis of archival materials during the post-war period as a phenomenon, it according to the late of Austrian and Romanian administration in Bukovina. Obvious, that World War II has left its destructive influence on the sanitary condition of the region and the health industry. The staff of CHSMI, involved actively the process of becoming in in the work in the STI units for examin the population of rural lands, despite the difficult situation of the institution. The two areas, Vyzhnytsya and Kelmentsi, were under surveillance of the staff of Institute. Another area (Hlyboka) was managed by unit of the provincial dermatology and venereal dispensary, which became in this period a member of the Department of skin and venereal diseases CHSMI. During the expedition (1946) was gained a large empirical material, which became the basis for his theoretical understanding and the development of a wide range of treatments for syphilis. There were significant maintenance work. It helped to reduce the amount of disease in the Chernivtsi region. Syphilis was overcome as a mass phenomenon by the early 1950s. In the annexes to the article reader can get acquainted biographies of scientists and professional characteristics of the most active CHSMI stuff in the fight against syphilis in the territory of Chernivtsi region in the late 1946-1949 (M.G. Bezyuk, Y.S. Kaskiv, M.N. Buharovych, P. F. Bednenko).uk_UA
dc.publisherАктуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медициниuk_UA
dc.subjectЧерновицкий государственный медицинский институтuk_UA
dc.subjectБуковинский государственный медицинский университетuk_UA
dc.subjectкафедра кожно-венерических болезнейuk_UA
dc.subjectвенерический отрядuk_UA
dc.subjectобластной кожно-венерологический диспансерuk_UA
dc.subjectChernivtsi State Medical Instituteuk_UA
dc.subjectBukovinian State Medical Universityuk_UA
dc.subjectDepartment of Skin and Venereal Diseasesuk_UA
dc.subjectvenereal unitsuk_UA
dc.subjectregional STI clinicuk_UA
dc.subjectsanitary and educational workuk_UA
dc.titleУчасть співробітників Чернівецького державного медичного інституту в ліквідації вогнищ шкірно-венеричних хвороб на території Чернівецької області (1946-1949 рр.)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeУчастие сотрудников Черновицкого государственного медицинского института в ликвидации очагов кожно-венерических болезней на территории Черновицкой области (1946-1949 гг.)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeParticipation of Chernivtsi state medical institute in the liquidation of the skin and venereal diseases in Chernivtsy region during 1946-1949 periodsuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра гістології, цитології та ембріології

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