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Title: Efficiency of laminar clean air or ultraviolet radiation in orthopedic operating rooms
Authors: Vasiuk, S. V.
Vasylchyshyn, Y. M.
Vasyuk, V. L.
Keywords: clean air
laminar air
обеззараживание воздуха
ультрафиолетовое облучение
знезараження повітря
ультрафіолетове опромінення
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Клінічна та експериментальна патологія
Abstract: The study compares the efficacy of air disinfection in orthopedic operating rooms by laminar supply of HEPA filtered air against UV radiation. Qualitative and quantitative parameters of air in two operating rooms were assessed in dynamics. One of the operating rooms was equipped with laminar air supply with high efficiency particulate air filters, the other with ultraviolet lamps for air disinfection. Total bacterial count of the air in the first operating room was nearly 60 times lower than in the second one. Unlike in the operating room with UV light, the air in the operating room with HEPA filtered air supply did not contain any potentially pathogenic species able to cause surgical sight infection. HEPA filtration for air disinfection possesses a number of significant advantages: species spectrum of airborne bacteria is improved – no species known to cause infections in human are found; the air is not only cleaned and disinfected but also conditioned, providing comfortable environment for staff and patients (prevents miscellaneous complications); microbiological parameters of air quality are maintained at high level throughout the working time; air filtering and conditioning is continuous while patients and staff are in the operating room.
ISSN: UDC 616.728.2/.728.3-089-77:616-06-002.3:616-071-089.844
Appears in Collections:Статті

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