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Назва: Linguistic aspects of eponymic professional endocrinologic terminology
Інші назви: Лінгвістичні аспекти епонімічної фахової ендокринної термінології
Лингвистические аспекты эпонимической профессиональной эндокринологической терминологии
Автори: Bytsko, N.I.
Pavlovych, L.B.
Bilous, I.I.
Semenko, I.V.
Ключові слова: linguistics
endocrinoiogic term
clinical terminology
eponymic term
ендокринний термін
клінічна термінологія
епонімічний термін
эндокринологический термин
клиническая терминология
эпонимический термин
Дата публікації: 2017
Видавництво: Міжнародний ендокринологічний журнал. – 2017. – Т.13, №2. – С.119-124.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Special linguistic researches of terminological units of different branches of medicine allow analyzing in details the ways of creating the systems of clinical terminology from different aspects: historical, scientific, cultural, linguistic and semantic. There is a wide area of terminology related to the clinical and experimental endocrinology within general medical terminological system. The purpose of the study: to demonstrate the structure of endocrine medical terms - eponyms through the prism of systematization of methodological researches on eponymic vocabulary. Materials and methods. The actual material received as a result of a total choice of eponyms (there were 296 terms) from the uReference dictionary for endocrinologist’, which was composed by the scientists of V. Danilevsky Instittite of Endocrine Pathology Problems and Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate education — A.V. Kozakov, N.A. Kravchun, I.M. Ilyina, M.l. Zubko, O.A. Goncharova, I.V. Cherniavska has 10,000 endocrine terms, the authors successfully streamlined medical terms of the clinical and experimental endocrinology into the vocabulary. The method of total choice of terms from professional literature, the descriptive method and distributive method were used in the study that allowed distinguishing lexical and semantic features of eponymic terms in the branch of endocrinology. Results. The obtained results point out to the modernity of studies in the field of clinical and experimental endocrinology, which is due to the fact that this is the oldest terminology, by the example of which it is possible to trace the ways of formation, development and improvement of terms, the realization of semantic processes, certain trends, ways and means of word formation. Conclusions. The results of the research on the above mentioned sublanguage of clinical medicine at the level of linguistic observations of the functioning in dictionaries and scientific works will not only highlight the linguistic aspects of professional medical terms, but also will help the linguists to master the etymology of professional terms.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/13550
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті. Кафедра клінічної імунології, алергології та ендокринології

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