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Title: Pathogenetic substantiation to correct disorders of the blood plasma fibrinolytic system in patients with chronic diffuse liverdiseases and disorders of thyroid homeostasis
Authors: Chympoy, K.A.
Pashkovska, N.V.
Fediv, O.I.
Pavlibroda, N.M.
Keywords: chronic diffuse liver diseases
cellular adhesion
хронические диффузные заболевания печени
тиреоидный гомеостаз
клеточная адгезия
thyroid homeostasis
хронічні дифузні захворювання печінки
тиреоїдний гомеостаз
клітинна адгезія
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Буковинський медичний вісник. – 2014. – Т.18, №2(70). – C.113-116.
Abstract: The dynamics of the indices of fibrinolysis and cellular adhesion in patients with chronic diffuse liver diseases against the ground of administration of “Triovit”, a selenium-containing drug, has been studied. The administration of “Triovit” in a comprehensive therapy of patients with chronic diffuse liver diseases was found to improve the indices of the blood plasma fibrinolytic system, to reduce adhesive cellular properties and to increase total enzymatic activity of the blood plasma.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра клінічної імунології, алергології та ендокринології

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